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15th National Conference for |
KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Syllabus Hybrid Course 1. Introduction of Dr. Joanie Leichter Dominick & KSU 4401: Senior Seminar (Movie ) 2. KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Course Overview by Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick (Adobe Captivate) 4. College Senior Financial Fitness by Dr. Deborah Smith 5. College Senior Wellness & Coping with Change by Dr. Deborah Smith (Adobe Captivate) Web 1.0 Resources for KSU 4401 Senior Seminar: Senior-Year Experience Website Teaching Resources for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar by Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick Creating Portfolio for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar by Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick ePortfolio Resources for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar: ePortfolio: Passport to Global Citizenship RACCE College Senior Portfolio Process ePortfolio: Jennifer Schingeck Fall 2008 ePortfolios: KSU 4401 Senior Seminar Global Portfolios [an error occurred while processing this directive]Web 2.0 Resources for KSU 4401: Senior Seminar: Created by Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick, for College Seniors & SYE Stakeholders |
Poster Presentation Facilitator: Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick, Associate Professor of Communication and Senior-Year Seminar Course Coordinator Day: Sunday - November 9, 2008 This poster presentation showcases the design and implementation of the hybrid KSU 4401: Senior Seminar course including the WebCt Vista Template with the learning modules, grading components and grading rubrics, discussion questions, assignments, and assessments. The hybrid format was developed to meet the needs of the diverse and dispersed college senior population.This hybrid model mirrors the telecommuting work world that seniors are entering, provides classroom contact once a week with opportunities for developing digital expertise and portfolios. KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Hybrid Course Description (Institutional Elective Capstone Course): Hybrid Course Design using WebCt Vista: This hybrid course blends both traditional face-to-face instructions with a significant amount of time using online learning activities (discussions, assignments, assessments, and creating portfolios). The hybrid course module maximizes in-class community time with self-directed assignments online to best utilize the mission of the course which is to provide KSU seniors with an opportunity to reflect on and provide closure to their collegiate educational experience, demonstrate proficiency, develop the skills necessary to successfully transition to and navigate post-university life, understand the civic and social responsibilities of being college educated global citizens and connect with KSU in an ongoing relationship. KSU 4401: Senior Seminar Course - WebCt Hybrid Design Institutional Elective Capstone Course Getting College Seniors One-Day Closer to Graduation: Sharing Senior-Year Experience Success Strategies from Design to Delivery Roundtable Facilitator: Dr. Joan E. Leichter Dominick, Associate Professor of Communication & Senior-Year Experience Course Coordinator. Kennesaw State Univeristy, Kennesaw, GA. USA. Day: Sunday - November 9, 2008 Whether you are in the planning phases or a have a seasoned program, come join the conversation of how you are strategizing your Senior-Year Experience at your institution. Do you have an institutional class, an institutional program, deliver your program in a college or departmental capstone, deliver your program in a career center, have a service-learning program, or are you in the process of developing a new view of the Senior-Year Experience? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Continue the discussion of the Poster & Roundtable presentations by joining on the Web 2.0 Community Senior-Year Experience Strategies @ http://www.senioryearexperiencestrategies.ning.com: (private community send your email for an invitation) Created for Stakeholders in College Senior Year Experience Special thanks to President Emeritus Betty Siegel for beginning the Senior-Year Experience, President Daniel Papp, Dr. Lendley Black, Dean Ralph Rascati, and to Dr. Rebecca Casey, Chair of the Department of University Studies, for her constant support of the Folio Thinking Process in our student success programs. To Dr. Randy Hinds and Mr. Karl Aldag for supporting my growth and development in the technology of teaching and learning. Thanks to my colleagues at KSU Multimedia Develop Group Patti Dunne, Dale Suffridge and ITS Trainers Sid Kemp, Motaz Sharkasi. Thanks to Ben Cope, KSU Alumnus, EPOC Designs & Internet Genius.